Mobile HMIs for Industry

Improve Industrial Servicing with Wireless and Mobile Apps

How do System Manufacturers Improve Efficiency of On-Site Maintenance?

Industrial networks and equipment still require on-site audits, testing and updates. However, the user interfaces on industrial equipment are not conducive to efficiency, and can even increase risks for human errors.

Mobile apps provide user-friendly interfaces that improve visibility of key performance parameters and data. But how can manufacturers of these systems improve their products without completely re-designing them? TapNLink wireless modules provide a secure and configurable connection port for mobile devices and eases creation of customized mobile apps. TapNLink connects easily, requires no coding and automatically generates apps. No expertise is required. With TapNLink manufactures can upgrade their products without reinventing them, and thus benefit from new opportunities.


Wireless products for this use case include Tapioca Modbus-Wireless adapters and TapNPass Portable Modbus-Wireless device