to iotize (v)

What does iotize mean?

What does iotize mean?

"Iotize" refers to the process of making a device or system part of the Internet of Things (IoT). In practical terms, this involves equipping a device with sensors, software, and connectivity (such as NFCWi-Fi, Bluetooth, or cellular) to allow it to communicate, collect, and exchange data over the internet. By "iotizing" a device, you essentially enable it to be remotely monitored, controlled, and interacted with, often through a cloud-based platform or app.

For example, "iotizing" a traditional appliance, like a thermostat, would involve adding the ability to control and monitor it via a smartphone or web app, making it a "smart" device.

Where did the word iotize originate from?

"Iotize" originates from the term Internet of Things (IoT), which refers to the network of physical devices embedded with sensors, software, and connectivity that allow them to communicate and exchange data over the internet. The suffix "-ize" is commonly used in English to form verbs that mean "to make" or "to cause to become" (e.g., digitize, modernize).

"Iotize" emerged within the tech community as a way to describe the process of integrating IoT capabilities into devices or systems, effectively turning them into "smart" or "connected" devices. Iotize is not a widely formalized word in dictionaries, but has gained use in industries focused on smart technologies and IoT development.

"Iotize" combines "IoT" (Internet of Things) with the verb-forming "-ize" to mean "to make part of the Internet of Things."