RKit ARM Enterprise Software License

Software tool set for a complete range of ARM core-based microcontrollers, with C/C++ compiler, 3rd Party-compiler support and a range of advanced project management and debugging / programming features

Order : RKitE-ARM

825 €

The RKit ARM "Enterprise" software toolset and Ride7 integrated development environment provide a complete solution for compiling and debugging your applications for a wide variety of ARM Cortex-Mx, ARM966E and ARM7TDMI core-based microcontrollers.

The RKit-ARM Enterprise is the software installation that brings functional device and compiler support to your Raisonance software installations and allows users to work with a growing range of ARM-core based microcontrollers. It includes a USB dongle-based license and support for the following capabilities:

  • Unlimited code compilation with included C/C++ compiler toolchain
  • Generic compiler interface for integrated support of 3rd-party C toolchains
  • Programming, debugging support for specific ARM core-based MCUs
  • Project manager with enhanced productivity features 
  • Advanced code editor
  • Script-based automation of common tasks (C, C++, JScript)
  • Integrated control of version management tools
  • Integrated control of code verfication tools
  • Run control and debugging views

Users also benefit from a renewable 1-year direct support contract and software updates that include support of new microcontroller variants.

For an overview of features, go to the RKit-ARM-Lite / RKit-ARM-Enterprise feature comparison. The software tools function for 30 days in unlimited evaluation mode. Download at our support web site.