NFC for On-Site Data Collection

Easy and Efficient of On-Site Data Collection

How Does NFC Improve Ease and Efficiency of On-Site Data Collection?

When on-site verifications need to be made, too many companies are still sending technicians out with paper in hand to record information. Isn't it time to get rid of those clip boards?

NFC makes connecting to any system or sensor easy, efficient and secure. Users just touch their mobile to an NFC tag to open the service app and record the latest data correctly. Once verifications have been done, the data can be stored on the mobile or sent directly to the company's service platform on the Cloud.

With TapNLink NFC with energy harvesting and embedded Java Virtual Machine are ideal for adding NFC communication to eveything from simple sensors to complex machines. And, creating apps to collect data or configure equipment is easier, and far more flexible than most designers imagine.


NFC products in this video...